Help Autism Speaks Why Should I Donate To Autism Speaks?

Why should i donate to Autism Speaks? - help autism speaks

I have to write, why should I donate Autism Speaks, but I can only say that the good, because I to convince my class, the ideas that I might really need help, have received ...


AUTISTIC... said...

I am a man Autism Autism Speaks is the last organization on earth I want to donate money. Autism Speaks ... In addition to the autistic community. I am Autism Speaks is the product of the idle rich Hollywood wrong with too much time on their hands.

I'd rather burn the money, do not give a penny for Autism Speaks. In my humble opinion, is a donation to Autism Speaks for a present-minded people who want to recover all the rich people with autism despotic. I'm happy with autism and, as such. I do not need and can not know the brand of arrogance, what help is best for you, Autism Speaks is patronizing! On behalf of Autism Speaks shows the arrogance of this organization. Autism Speaks dare protray themselves as the "voice" of the autistic community. Autism Speaks is not the voice of the community of autism. People with autism have their own voice and not be said that the arrogance of Autism Speaks.

People with autism have a strong voice. People with autism speak for us. Strong, capable of SaneAgile Minded body of people with autism can we see the needs and priorities without Autism Speaks known. Granted, some versions of autism need surgery to improve their quality of life, but that is decided by the people. Unfortunately, Autism Speaks will heal all, is autistic and cultural genocide. Autism speaks aroogantly I venture to think that it cure the world "autistic" The problem is not better than the Nazis think with arrogance is that their final solution was an appropriate means "in the Jewish world problem!"

When a group of people happy with themselves as they are received at the target of another group as "problems" that a cure to the way we have serious problems of hatred and eradication of genocide must be here!

Find other support agency. I can not think of a good cause to help children with autism to speak.

carbonmo... said...

Here are some statistics that include:

1 in 150 births
1, 1.5 million Americans
Fastest growing development disability
10 - The annual growth rate of 17%
Annual cost of 90 billion U.S. --
90% of expenditure on services for adults
The cost of lifelong care by 2 / 3 will be reduced by early diagnosis and intervention
In 10 years the annual cost of 200-400 billion

If do not understand that, I do not know what will. It is likely that someone in your class a child with autism. Not help, prevention is taking place and, if the baby is born?

realista... said...

I agree with beetlemilk and aspiegirl.
Those who like us, live in the world of autism, respect and understanding, not to accept the truth about autism, the conditions of Autism Speaks.
Apparently (correct me if I'm wrong), the Autism Speaks board has no idea of one person in the autism spectrum. Therefore, an autistic person would not be allowed until the middle of real autism to speak. Why? I wonder.
Write what you want the feeling of community is the goal of autism, to speak for himself and his beliefs. Be true to yourself.
Good luck:)

McAwesom... said...

Show them this video, you can: ...
Try to describe what is life, how often even injurous for people with autism: sensory disabilities, lack of communication skills, obstacles to learning, behavior, temper tantrums, etc. ... We now imagine how it is caught within his body, with all these fees and will not be able to explain why his behavior or how it makes more sense you make, and often misunderstood, ignored, bizarre, absurd, can not .
Then you describe the lack of research on the causes, prevention, treatment, cure for autism and the need to raise awareness and public support for a better life for these people so that they reach back to realize their full potential. The donations would suffer to a greater understanding of the disease and a better life and future for those who.

beetlemi... said...

Agree 100 percent Aspiegirl. I do not understand how you can thumbs down an answer is correct.

Autism Speaks is not a voice for autism.

This terrible vice Alison Tepper Singer, her children should have taken, said he wanted to manage her autistic daughter of George Washington Bridge and kill them before him on the tape. Please check the daily video autism.

Find other support organization for autism.

We find in the world of autism Autism Sucks counter

And I have 2 autistic children, and never kill or thoughts about me

Please note that Amanda Baggs video video response to Alison Tepper Singer. Amanda is an attorney that autism is DX low functioning autism. It has many problems with Autism Speaks

After the werewolf irada Autism Autism is equivalent to the Nazis.

We do not need fixing.

What would the world be without autism?

Imagine all these people:

Bobby Fischer, Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, Friedrich Nietzsche, Newton, Edison, Tesla, Einstein, Beethoven, Van Gogh, Mozart, Dali, Darwin, Michelangelo, Dickens, Da Vinci, Galileo, Jung, Jefferson, John F. Kennedy (Chairman ), Queen Victoria, and much more

We have changed the world contribute more than any other group you can imagine.

I hear ballsy for the thumbs down, and my answer is always no coward hmm aspiegirl meet. (Neuro-) typical!

Lori H said...

Tells the story of an autistic boy who has never said he loved his mother ........ Through this program can not say that you will actually learn to be productive and support a normal person instead of a burden on our taxes. This is not only good for a child, but for society as a whole.

LDawnZ said...

You should donate with autism speaks so you can see wiped off the planet, Autism Research into the genetics of autism will eventually prenatal test for autism, that the people leading cause of abortion, fetus, because they are afraid of the herd

or printed clearly on the Autism Speaks that you have children with autism, as the practice continues to be no communication by speaksd a parody site Autism Autism Speaks It has decided to continue ..... ...

How Bout to kill or to be admitted that in a video called Autism Speaks Autism every day, a mother to want his son to the driving of a bridge. He says with the child at his side. Remember that just because you do not speak that you do not understand what you said. Even children can make things feel from the tone of voice that you use. say that ur child neglect before ...

Do You Really Want, persuade people to give this bodyTion, after the truth?


Autism Speaks DOES NOT KNOW, for those on the autism spectrum.

Not only that, but try to censor, to people trying to speak for itself

postres2... said...

It phamplets gazillion and other articles and books on autism available, please contact your local club cut for more support.

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