Eco Friendly Wedding Invitations Planning An Eco-friendly Wedding- Any Hints And Tips?

Planning an eco-friendly wedding- any hints and tips? - eco friendly wedding invitations

I am planning a wedding date is September 6, 2008.
I want the most environmentally friendly and the environment as possible on a fixed budget. Our budget is $ 3500 - not for the room, tables, chairs, or to pay a minister. And our DJ is already paid, too.
That is why we need anything else to do, including meals, for $ 3500 - our kitchen quoted $ 1,500 with $ 2,000 for everything else.
I want to use invitations seed (plantable invites) and plantable seed favors. Links to sites with this kind of thing with a budget would be great!
Also looking for a wedding dress of organic cotton for less than $ 600.
Rice-paper lanterns adorn User organic, organic and green with all type decorations, favors, or use ...

Any tips, suggestions and web links would be great!


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